We Are Professional Logistics & cargo Company

Safe Air Cargo is spearheaded 3PL with a particular spotlight on inbound and outbound freight for OEMs, with change and composite of Just in Time and Direct conveyances, and is a preeminent supervisor in effective treatment of Surface, Sea, Express, Train, and Air Cargo administrations.

Safe Air Cargo being a top planned operations arrangements supplier organization in India, offers different sorts of administrations under one window including business production line movement, Project Cargo administrations, global and homegrown air freight, ocean freight, train freight, surface vehicle, Warehousing and Distribution arrangements and numerous other worth added administrations to meet the particular necessities of every client.

Safe Air Cargo Limited offers a total range of strategies arrangements supplier that are client-driven and knowledge driven. Every one of our administrations is decisively arranged remembering the three 'Cs' of our clients' endeavors

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